Global Launch News
From online programs to award-winning teacher training to partnerships with UBER, Global Launch strives to find new and innovative ways to foster the English language around the world, every day.
Stay up-to-date on all the latest news and updates from Global Launch programs, students and services at Arizona State University.
Global Launch News
Global Launch in the media
Overseas EMI Upskilling Training Experience: EMI Project In The U.S. For On-Site Training
National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) collaborates with Arizona State University (ASU) to offer a customized EMI overseas upskilling program for teachers at NSYSU and regional partner schools.
Arizona State University online courses are creating opportunities for youth in Lebanon
ASU has partnered with Anera to provide free, self-paced English courses that are regionally-adapted to young people affected by displacement, equipping them with language skills and educational resources for personal and professional growth.
Learning Language with AI, Virtual Reality
ASU Global Launch is using virtual reality to give students a safe space to practice English and gain confidence in their communication abilities. (ASU + GSV newsletter)
U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, mentions Arizona State University at U.S.-Mexico high level economic dialogue
A new online course to teach Mexican engineers English language specific to the semiconductor industry launched in October 2023 at an event hosted by the Embassy of Mexico, held in Washington, D.C., and virtually.
Scholarships have helped displaced Afghan students find homes on university campuses across the US
"Nearly two years later, Sultani, now 21, is safely in the U.S. and working toward her bachelor’s degree in data science at Arizona State University in Tempe on a scholarship. When she’s not studying, she likes to hike up nearby Tempe Butte, the kind of outing she enjoyed in her mountainous homeland."
ULATINA Students travel to the United States to live the ASU experience
Article in Spanish
Students from the Universidad Latina de Costa Rica’s Electronic Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Business Administration programs embarked on an international tour with Arizona State University, visiting its facilities, and participating in sustainability and innovation programs.
Afghanistan refugee talks about her new life in Arizona
Global Launch student-turned business major Fahima Sultani spoke with local news channel Fox 10 a few weeks ago about the great opportunities she has been afforded since moving to Arizona and resuming her education at ASU – a year after fleeing Afghanistan.
Afghan evacuees resettling in the U.S. one year after Taliban Takeover
Thousands of Afghans have resettled in the U.S. after the Taliban took control of Kabul a year ago. Now, some of them are sharing the hope and challenges they face, as they try to build a new life in a new country.
She’s at Brown. Her Heart’s Still in Kabul
In their first year at U.S. universities, women who escaped the Taliban are struggling to adjust — and to reckon with what they left behind.
ASU named highest-producing English Language Specialist Institution in the U.S.
Global Launch educator Vincent Lauter’s work in Turkey is one of the many ways ASU works with the U.S. Department of State to foster higher education around the world.
Video: NHL, Phoenix Coyotes host clinic for Chinese coaches
Coaches from the Federation of University Sports of China met with the Phoenix Coyotes to learn more about coaching hockey.
Global Launch alumni thrive at ASU and beyond
Meet Amer and Ana, two students who learned more than just English at Global Launch.