Blog: Student Success

Two ASU students holding up the pitchfork symbol looking out toward campus.
To observe Ramadan as a college student away from home, plan which foods to have at designated times, plan your sleep schedule, focus on your studies, and find others to observe the holiday with.
A group of students posing for a photo after playing volleyball.
Knowing your personality type can help you optimize how you learn and study, interact with new classmates and friends, and react to stressful situations.
A group of eighteen people posing indoors, some wearing name tags, in front of a bookshelf and a wall clock.
Learn how advanced English students at ASU Global Launch prepare for university success through group research and presentations.
Four ASU students relax in a lounge, happy and talking.
Feeling stressed at college? Learn how getting organized, exercise, slow breathing, meaningful relationships, and setting boundaries can keep you grounded.
2023 ASU Summer Experience international students visiting Old Main.
Cintana Alliance students attend Sustainability and Innovation Summer 2023 Experience at ASU to explore solutions to attain UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
Japanese Global Launch students showing their Sun Devil pride.
Global Launch Group & Custom Programs teach English geared toward specific industries to help students improve their chances of landing their dream job.
A group of ASU students walking down palm walk on Tempe campus.
Being immersed in a different culture can cause you to feel excited, overwhelmed, curious and empowered. See how to navigate the stages of culture shock.
Library Study
Meet Gwen, Learning Specialist and Master’s candidate in TESOL at ASU. She’s here to share some study tips for our students!
student success
How can learning English advance your life and career? Here are the top benefits of learning English to improve your career and overall well-being.
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